Today, while going through all the documents that have collected dust over the years, I started organizing them in to separate folders-by category. Bank related, income tax related, Visas, passport, stock certificates, real-estate investments, rental agreements, insurance etc.. the usual stuff. In the process, I came across my marks sheet from my under-grad. I stared it for a while.
Most people hold themselves to some simple expectations. The expectation is that, one has to do what one is good at... regardless of the area of the job. "Well" here means whether one can do or has done new and innovative work in that area.
For me, it is a bit late in life. However, to repeat a cliche, one should keep exploring. I am trying to recollect what I really-really enjoyed doing. What was I really-really good at? Should we all ask ourselves this question? May be the answer could even change from time to time.
If you ask yourself that question often enough and you get an answer- I feel you are probably living a more fulfilling life. Let me know what u think.
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